“Re-Animator” quotes

Movie Re-Animator
Stuart Gordon directed this movie in 1985
Title Re-Animator
Year 1985
Director Stuart Gordon
Genre Sci-Fi, Horror
Plot – Dr. Herbert West is an obsessive follower of Dr. Gruber, who was conducting experiments on dead bodies. Now he's dead and West wants to continue his discoveries: Gruber has in fact created a serum that can restore life. West updates his method and reanimates some corpses, but the creatures are aggressive and kill the director of the morgue. West injects him the serum but the man goes crazy as well as the other reanimated corpses. In the end West and his collaborators can't manage the creatures.
All actors – Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, David Gale, Robert Sampson, Gerry Black, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, Peter Kent, Barbara Pieters, Ian Patrick Williams, Bunny Summers, Al Berry, Derek Pendleton, Gene Scherer, James Ellis, James Earl Cathay, Annyce Holzman, Velvet Debois, Lawrence Lowe, Robert Holcomb, Mike Filloon, Greg Reid, Jack Draheim, Robert Pitzele, Kim Deitch, Greg Robbins
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