“The Kings of Summer” quotes

Movie The Kings of Summer
Title The Kings of Summer
Year 2013
Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Genre Drama, Comedy, Adventure
Plot – Joe Toy is tired to live with his single father. With his friends Patrick and Biaggio he hides in the woods where he wants to build a shed to live in. The guys are convinced that they can become masters of their destiny, but unfortunately reality is very different.
All actors – Nick Robinson, Gabriel Basso, Moises Arias, Nick Offerman, Erin Moriarty, Craig Cackowski, William Sonnie, Nathan Keyes, Cristoffer Carter, Megan Mullally, Priscilla Kaczuk, Marc Evan Jackson, Alison Brie, Eugene Cordero, Gillian Vigman, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Thomas Middleditch, Lili Reinhart, Austin Abrams, Paul Floriano, Brian Sacca, Peter Karinen, Tony Hale, Hannibal Buress, Kumail Nanjiani, Jeffrey Grover, Eric Wasserman, Nicholas Rutherford, Angela Trimbur, Jennifer Lindgren, Michael Cipiti, , Kim Bordwine, Christina Cacic, Justin Cooney, Anthony Daniel, Eric Frank, Logan Fry, Joe Gallipoli, David Gragg, Hannah Harris, Linda Marie Howell, Christopher Kaczmarek, Cole Kornell, Maria Laskowski, Daniel T. Martin, Rance Martin, Derick Mayes, Christine McBurney, Shawn Michelle, Tyler Moliterno, Taylor Nelms, Brady Novak, David Sanborn, Julie Simon, Joel Thingvall, Josh Tippey, Nicole Tubbs, Lisa Y. Wong, Abigail Wylie, Theresa Wylie
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  • “- Joe: Vicki's making eyes at you man. Go talk to her. She's so into it.
    - Biaggio: There's no point in me talking to her anyways.
    - Joe: Why not?
    - Biaggio: Joe, I'm gay.
    - Joe: Are you sure?
    - Biaggio: Yes, my lungs fill up every time the seasons change.
    - Joe: That's not being gay, Biaggio.
    - Biaggio: What?
    - Joe: Pretty sure that's Cystic...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Nick Robinson - Joe
    Moises Arias - Biaggio
  • “You're right, it's a classic kidnapping. They took our children and the canned goods and pasta.”
    Nick Offerman - Frank
  • “- Biaggio: Do you know we've been walking for half a mile? I can tell by how much we've bonded.
    - Joe: You haven't said a word the whole time.”

    Moises Arias - Biaggio
    Nick Robinson - Joe
  • “- Vicki: So Biaggio, what do you do?
    - Biaggio: I met a dog the other day, it taught me how to die.”

    Lili Reinhart - Vicki
    Moises Arias - Biaggio
    [Tag:death, dogs]
  • “- Joe: Ah... Is anything better than a good stogie, Biaggio?
    - Biaggio: Being in a situation where it's easier to lie but you choose to tell the truth.
    - Joe: Hmm. Guess that's better.”

    Nick Robinson - Joe
    Moises Arias - Biaggio
    [Tag:lying, truth]
  • “- Joe: Have you ever felt this at one with yourself, with your instincts, with nature? This masculine?
    - Biaggio: I don't know. I don't really see myself as having a gender. Is that a problem?”

    Nick Robinson - Joe
    Moises Arias - Biaggio