Johnny Depp Quote
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Career in Cinema
6/14/18 at 10:08 AM Average ratingexcellent1Curiosities 32
Average ratingexcellent1
Career in Cinema
6/14/18 at 10:08 AM Average ratingexcellent1Curiosities 32
Average ratingexcellent1
Comments on this quote
Other languages for this quotePrima dell'uscita del primo capitolo dei 'Pirati dei Caraibi' ero famoso solo nel circuito di Hollywood con la nomea di 'flop' al botteghino, quindi ho costruito la mia carriera su vent'anni di fallimenti.
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
“The most important development for a girl ambitious for a screen career, is development of the mind. She should be interested in music. She should read fine books, learn to dance, and possibly study for one of the sciences.”
“I won't quit until I get run over by a truck, a producer or a critic.”
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
“When I started out I didn't have any desire to be an actress or to learn how to act. I just wanted to be famous.”
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
“I was fortunate to be born with a set of characteristics that were in the public vogue.”