“The Alienist ” quotes

TV Series The Alienist
Title The Alienist
Original title The Alienist
Director Jakob Verbruggen
Genre Drama, Crime, Mystery
Plot – Set in New York City during the late 19th century the series follows the various murder investigations conducted by criminal psychologist (aka alienist) Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, Newspaper illustrator John Moore and Sara Howard, a young headstrong secretary determined to become the city's first female police detective. Together they have to find one of New York City's first serial killers, responsible for some gruesome murders of boy prostitutes. The investigation becomes more and more sinister and dangerous as they search for answers.
All actors – Daniel Brühl, Luke Evans, Robert Wisdom, Douglas Smith, Matthew Shear, Dakota Fanning, Ted Levine, Martin McCreadie, Brian Geraghty, Q'orianka Kilcher, Matt Lintz, David Wilmot, Brittany Marie Batchelder, Rosy McEwen, Melanie Field, Emily Barber
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