“Alita: Battle Angel” quotes
Robert Rodriguez
directed this movie
in 2019
Title Alita: Battle Angel
Year 2019
Director Robert Rodriguez
Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Year 2019
Director Robert Rodriguez
Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Plot – The movie follows the adventures of Alita, a cyborg that has been found in a scrap yard by Dr. Dyson Ido. Alita doesn’t remember anything of her past, besides from her training in martial arts. With these abilities, she will become a ruthless bounty hunter, looking for the worst criminals of the world.
All actors – Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali, Ed Skrein, Jackie Earle Haley, Keean Johnson, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., Lana Condor, Idara Victor, Jeff Fahey, Eiza González, Derek Mears, Leonard Wu, Racer Maximiliano Rodriguez-Avellan, Marko Zaror, Rick Yune, Hugo Perez, Casper Van Dien, Billy Blair, Jamie Landau, Dimitrius Pulido, Patrick Gathron, Elle LaMont, Alex Livinalli, Nelson 'Neal' Tallaferro, Anthony Bandmann, Alan Trong, Sam Medina, Tod Junker, John Wirt, Darcel Danielle, Emma Lindsey, Garrett Warren, Tony LaThanh, Jorge A. Jimenez, Vincent Fuentes, Iba Thiam, Paul De Sousa, Gregg Berger, David Sobolov, Jeff Bottoms, , Erica Francoise Abraham, Charles Adams, Dennis Alcorn, Patrick Aleo, Maria Alexandra, Samuel Ali, Marina Aligh, Tuana Allen, Antoinette Anders, John Anderson, Esther April, Julie Armstrong, Darian Baker, Tyler Banner, Matt Blackwell, Rosalind Branch-Muhammad, Mike 'King Co' Brown, Chase Bryant, Michael W. Bunch, Rhonda Burnette, Cheryl Byrum, Christopher Cade, Sam Cantu, Gene Cervenka, Brittany Cofer, Terrie Cooklin, Phil Cory, Jai Courtney, Ellen Crouch, Joshua Curttright, Juan Cuspinera, Don Daro, Will David, Torren Davis, Miranda Denmon, Brittany Diaz, Robert A. Diaz, Laura Dilemma, Cindy Dire, Jarrod Dixon, Adam Dobie, Kendra Dobson, Calen Curtis Edwards, Raven Espinoza, Mike Ettnie, Sunday Flint, Bill Foster, Devon Foster, Darius Walker Franks, Lacey Franks, David Freeman, Harald Galinski, Michael L Garcia Jr., Gerald J. Garza, Derrick Gilbert, Jason Gish, Crickett Gonzalez, Gloria D. Gonzalez, Violet Gotsis, Laura Griffin, Tony Guerrero, Christine Gwosdz, Colin Haag Jr., Nathan Haley, L. Rene'e Hall, Victoria Hardway, Nina Hargis, Shannon Kee Haymond, Marque Hernandez, Trezure Hunter, Andrea Ivins, Lyn Jagger, Amanda Julian Johnson, Annabelle Jones, Jared Michael Jones, Inertia Justice, John Kaler, Eddie Kantor, Jonathan D. Karpicke, King, Evan King, Gregory Charles Lane, Stephen Latham, Matthew Ledo, Rick Lee, Lindsey Lemke, Jo Lorio, Travis Loteck, Earl Loveday, Casie Luong, Jordan Mack, Adam Madrigal, Joshua Lewis Magee, Zara Majidpour, Drake Malone, Paulina Manseau, Carl Martin, Andrew Martinez, Alex Nicole McConnell, Betsy Medina, Cat Merritt, Dakota Millett, Colin Mingee, Josiah Missick, Lauren Montemayor, Alex Moore, Robert Lloyd Moore, Tessa Yvonne Morrison, Sonya Nguyen, Devin Northrip, Edward Norton, David Ryan O'Rourke, Violeta Ortega, Marcus J. Parker, Chad Parma, Dominique Patridge, Andre Pelzer, Addison Dawn Perry-Franks, Joella Phillip, Jessica Polk, Rachel Prieto, Conrad Ramirez, Angela Ravitch, Rodrigo Reinoso, AJ Reyes, Felicia M. Reyes, Matt Rifley, Charlotte Delaney Riggs, Tristan Riggs, Misty Riley, Katusha Robert, Michelle Rodriguez, Perla Rodríguez, Corey Ryan, Albert Serna, James Smith, Michelle Smith, Richard Stebbins, Mark Dwight Stewart, Jeffrey Stirl, Elizabeth Tabish, Tony Tamayo, Stan Taylor, Gary Teague, Carl Thomas, William Throckmorton, Heriyanto Tio, Kenneth Lee Tolbert, Michael Love Toliver, Crystal Trevino, D. Darrell Turner, Alicia Underwood, Liz Vera, Tyler Vogel, Michael Wakefield, Tod Waters, Stephanie West, Mark A. White, Gregory Alexander Wight, Liza Wilk, Amanda Marie Wilkinson, Andrew Wills, Christopher Winbush, Chelsea Woods, Heath Young, Keil Oakley Zepernick
show all“Alita: Battle Angel” Quotes 14 quotes
“- Alita: I don't mean to be rude, but am I supposed to know you?
- Dr. Dyson Ido: Actually we just met.”“- Dr. Dyson Ido: Have a look at your original cyber core. This your brain. A normal, healthy teenage girl’s brain. If there is such a thing. But this is your heart. Heart of your original core. Powered by an anti-matter micro reactor.
- Alita: So I’ve got a strong heart.
- Dr. Dyson Ido: You have a heart strong enough to power all of Iron...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Alita: What’s outside the city?
- Hugo: Not much. The war wiped out all the utilities and most everything else.”“- Alita: Does it bother you, that I’m not completely human?
- Hugo: You are the most human person I have ever met.”“You were right. A warrior's spirit needs a warrior's body.”
“It’s the loneliest feeling not to know who you are.”
“Whatever you were, it's not who you are now.”
“- Kinuba: Vector! I should have known!
- Vector: What you should have known, my friend, is that nobody is greater than the game.”“This is just a body. It's not bad or good. That part's up to you.”
“- Vector: Don't you think it's time for you to go to Zalem?
- Chiren: What I want is not there.”“I do not standby in the presence of evil!”
“- Alita: You made the biggest mistake of your life.
- Vector: And what's that?
- Alita: Underestimating who I am.”