“Dog Soldiers” quotes

Movie Dog Soldiers
Title Dog Soldiers
Year 2002
Director Neil Marshall
Genre Horror, Action
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Plot – During a training with some special forces units in the middle of a forest, soldier Cooper refuses to shoot a dog and he's expelled by Captain Ryan. Some months later, Cooper comes back and joins a detachment stationed in the Scottish Highlands. When the soldiers are attacked by a pack of werewolves, they are forced to flee and they encounter Ryan, who's seriously wounded. Everyone refuges at Megan's, a zoologist.
All actors – Sean Pertwee, Kevin McKidd, Emma Cleasby, Liam Cunningham, Thomas Lockyer, Darren Morfitt, Chris Robson, Leslie Simpson, Tina Landini, Craig Conway, Villrikke's Acer, Bryn Walters, Ben Wright, Brian Claxton Payne
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  • “- Pvt. Cooper: I'm not about to second guess these things. They're the enemy, simple as that.
    - Megan: This is no ordinary enemy.”

    Kevin McKidd - Pvt. Cooper
    Emma Cleasby - Megan
  • “I'm still not convinced these things didn't just escape from the local nut-house and forget to shave or trim their nails.”
    Kevin McKidd - Pvt. Cooper
  • “It's reality that bites mate, not the creatures from your head.”
    Thomas Lockyer - Cpl. Bruce Campbell
    [Tag:madness, reality]
  • “- Pvt. Terry Milburn: Planning on scoring, Sarge?
    - 'Spoon' Witherspoon: Yea, well mind you don't foul her in the penalty box.
    - Pvt. Terry Milburn: Aww.
    - Sgt. Harry G. Wells: Alright, button it, Private Parts.”

    Leslie Simpson - Pvt. Terry Milburn
    Darren Morfitt - Spoon' Witherspoon
    Sean Pertwee - Sgt. Harry G. Wells
  • “We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if little red riding hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch.”
    Sean Pertwee - Sgt. Harry G. Wells
  • “- Megan: What's the glue for?
    - Pvt. Cooper: Ever wondered why the best thing that superglue sticks together is your fingers? Forget your grandma's china cups - this stuff was developed for the Vietnam war to patch up broken soldiers.”

    Emma Cleasby - Megan
    Kevin McKidd - Pvt. Cooper
    [Tag:soldiers, tools]
  • “If we do happen to make contact, I expect nothing less than gratuitous violence from the lot of ya. Because we're firing blanks doesn't mean we have to be thinking nice thoughts.”
    Sean Pertwee - Sgt. Harry G. Wells
    [Tag:defense, violence]
  • “- Capt. Ryan: ...you live and learn.
    - Pvt. Cooper: Yeah. But you don't.”

    Liam Cunningham - Capt. Ryan
    Kevin McKidd - Pvt. Cooper
    [Tag:learning, living]
  • “I am not breaking radio silence just cos' you lot got spooked by a dead flying fucking cow.”
    Sean Pertwee - Sgt. Harry G. Wells
    [Tag:fear, silence, talking]
  • “New woman, same old shite.”
    Kevin McKidd - Pvt. Cooper
    [Tag:meeting, women]
  • “Open your mouth, watch your ears, mind your toes!”
    Sean Pertwee - Sgt. Harry G. Wells
    [Tag:attention, body]
  • “- Capt. Ryan: You want piece of mind? Run before they tear your legs from under you.
    - Sgt. Harry G. Wells: Now you just shut up like a good gentleman, you are scaring my lads.”

    Liam Cunningham - Capt. Ryan
    Sean Pertwee - Sgt. Harry G. Wells
  • “There's one more thing you gotta learn about command, mate. Sometimes the people that you kill, are your own men.”

    Sean Pertwee - Sgt. Harry G. Wells
  • “The only people who go looking for trouble are Kamikazes, glory boys and full-on fucking fuckwits.”
    Sean Pertwee - Sgt. Harry G. Wells
  • “- Megan: Tell me. Honestly, what are our chances?
    - Pvt. Cooper: Morale seems good, considering. But that will only last as long as the ammunition holds out. Although high spirits are just no substitute for eight hundred rounds a minute, but I don't think that's what you wanted to hear.”

    Emma Cleasby - Megan
    Kevin McKidd - Pvt. Cooper
  • “The real trick to survival lies not in running and hiding, but in removing your enemy's capacity to hunt you down.”
    Liam Cunningham - Capt. Ryan
  • “Up until today you believed there was a line between myth and reality. Maybe a very fine line sometimes but at least there was a line. Those things out there are real. If they're real, what else is real? You know what lives in the shadows now. You may never get another night's sleep as long as you live.”
    Emma Cleasby - Megan
    [Tag:monster, reality]
  • “- Pvt. Cooper: What scares you?
    - Cpl. Bruce Campbell: The self-destructive nature of the human condition.”

    Kevin McKidd - Pvt. Cooper
    Thomas Lockyer - Cpl. Bruce Campbell