“Apollo 13” quotes
Ron Howard
directed this movie
in 1995
Title Apollo 13
Year 1995
Director Ron Howard
Genre Drama, History, Adventure
Year 1995
Director Ron Howard
Genre Drama, History, Adventure
Plot – Huston, we have a problem': these laconic words, spoken 205,000 miles from Earth left the NASA’s Mission Control and the whole world in suspense. The Apollo 13 spaceship left from Cape Canaveral on 11 April 1970, directed to the Moon. An explosion happened at an advanced stage of the mission, wasting oxygen, power and control. For the first time in the history of space exploration, the lives of three astronauts were in danger.
All actors – Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, Ed Harris, Kathleen Quinlan, Mary Kate Schellhardt, Emily Ann Lloyd, Miko Hughes, Max Elliott Slade, Jean Speegle Howard, Tracy Reiner, David Andrews, Michele Little, Chris Ellis, Joe Spano, Xander Berkeley, Marc McClure, Ben Marley, Clint Howard, Loren Dean, Tom Wood, Googy Gress, Patrick Mickler, Ray McKinnon, Max Grodénchik, Christian Clemenson, Brett Cullen, Ned Vaughn, Andy Milder, Geoffrey Blake, Wayne Duvall, Jim Meskimen, Joseph Culp, John Short, Ben Bode, Todd Louiso, Gabriel Jarret, Christopher John Fields, Kenneth White, James Ritz, Andrew Lipschultz, Mark Wheeler, Larry Williams, Endre Hules, Karen Martin, Maureen Hanley, Meadow Williams, Walter von Huene, Brian Markinson, Steve Rankin, Austin O'Brien, Louisa Marie, Thom Barry, Arthur Senzy, Carl Gabriel Yorke, Ryan Holihan, Rance Howard, Jane Jenkins, Todd Hallowell, Matthew Michael Goodall, Taylor Goodall, Misty Dickinson, Roger Corman, Lee Anne Matusek, Mark D. Newman, Mark McKeel, Patty Raya, Jack Conley, Jeffrey Kluger, Bruce Wright, Ivan Allen, Jon Bruno, Reed Rudy, Steve Bernie, Steve Ruge, Herbert Jefferson Jr., John Dullaghan, John Wheeler, Paul Mantee, Julie Rowen, Thomas Crawford, Frank Cavestani, John M. Mathews, , Neil Armstrong, Jules Bergman, Pope Paul VI, Jimmy Wynn, Walter Altman, Rory J. Aylward, John Bishop, John Timothy Botka, Greg Bronson, Jaime H. Campos, Tory Christopher, Michael S. Connolly, Adam Cozens, Walter Cronkite, Bryce Dallas Howard, Cheryl Howard, Chet Huntley, Kent Kasper, Sarah Krasner, Chauntal Lewis, Jim Lovell, Marilyn Lovell, Chris Moore, Frank Reynolds, Eric Stonestreet, Ted West, Peter Wick
show all“Apollo 13” Quotes 19 quotes
“Houston - we have a problem!”
“I don't care about what anything was designed to do, I care about what it can do.”
“Sorry Jack, it's an old habit. Kinda used to the pilot's seat. She's yours to fly.”
“It's like a long carpet that's just laid out right beneath me. And it was the algae, right? It was that phosphorescent stuff that gets churned up in the wake of a big ship. And it was, it was, it was leading me home. You know? If my cockpit lights hadn't shorted out, there's no way I'd ever been able to see that. So uh, you, uh, never know......” (continue)(continue reading)
Our mission was called "a successful failure", in that we returned safely but never made it to the moon. In the following months, it was determined that a damaged coil built inside the oxygen tank sparked during our cryo stir and caused the explosion that crippled the Odyssey. It was a minor defect that occured two years before I was even named... (continue)(continue reading)
“Let's work the problem people. Let's not make things worse by guessing.”
“Well... if I had a dollar for every time they've killed me in this thing, I wouldn't have to work for you, Deke... Well, we have two days, we'll be ready. Let's do it again.”
“- Fred Haise: It hurts when I urinate.
- Jim Lovell: Well, you're not getting enough water.
- Fred Haise: No, I'm drinkin' my rations, same as you... I think old Swigert gave me the clap. Been pissin' in my relief tube.
- Jim Lovell: Well, that'd be a hot one at the debriefing for the flight surgeons... Another first for America's spacemen.”“- Marilyn Lovell: Naturally, it's 13. Why 13?
- Jim Lovell: It comes after 12, hon.”“From now on, we live in a world where man has walked on the moon. And it's not a miracle, we just decided to go.”
“- Jack Swigert: Uh, well, if anyone from the, uh, from the IRS is watching, I... forgot to file my, my, my 1040 return. Um, I meant to do it today, but, uh...
- Sy Liebergot: That's no joke. They'll jump on him!”“Houston, we have a problem.”
“We've never lost an American in space, we're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option.”
“The only engine we got with enough power for a direct abort is the SPS on the service module. From what Lovell has told us, that could have been damaged in an explosion, so let's consider that engine dead. We light that thing up, it could blow the whole works. It's just too risky. We're not going to take that chance. About the only thing the...” (continue)(continue reading)
“Are you scared? Well don't you worry, honey. If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it.”