“The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” quotes
Plot – In the suburb of a quiet Texas town, the "Chicken Ranch" has been working for over 150 years. It's a brothel where entire generations of guys have started their sexual experiences. Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd turns a blind eye because the Chicken Ranch is considered like an institution, until Martin Thorpe comes to town. He's a journalist called the "watchdog" because of his moralizing campaigns and he starts a fierce battle with the sheriff. The officer loses and the Governor has to close the Ranch as the journalist has recorded in fact unequivocal footages and a senator has been caught too into the brothel. Ed has to tell the decision to Miss Moona, the house's mistress and his lover. In the end, they get married and the honest Sheriff becomes the Governor.
All actors – Burt Reynolds, Dolly Parton, Dom DeLuise, Charles Durning, Jim Nabors, Robert Mandan, Lois Nettleton, Theresa Merritt, Noah Beery Jr., Raleigh Bond, Barry Corbin, Ken Magee
show all“The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” Quotes 16 quotes
“It behooves both the Jews and the Arabs to settle their differences in a Christian manner!”
“I got myself a pretty good bullshit detector, and I can tell when somebody's peeing on my boots and telling me it's a rainstorm.”
“I'm gonna knock you so flat, you'll have to roll down your socks to shit!”
“It's always a business doing pleasure with you, Charlie!”
“Although petitions are being circulated to save the Chicken Ranch, already this bumper sticker is beginning to appear around the state. And so, as feminists line up behind the bill for the decriminalization of prostitution already in the legislature, while traditionalists and fundamentalists lobby for its defeat, the fate of the Chicken Ranch...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Mona Stangley: One of those nights when you ain't on duty, you drop in out there. My girls'll love to show you a little appreciation.
- Deputy Fred: Shoot, miss Mona, you know I'm a married man!
- Mona Stangley: Oh, Fred, you mean to tell me you don't think the cows don't appreciate the time off when a bull goes over to another pasture?”“If you grew up anywhere in Texas, you knew at an early age they was selling somethin' out there, and it wasn't poultry!”
“The power of television, of public exposure, it scares me. I swear, I could get the mayor's own children to throw rocks at him!”
“I always just thought if you see somebody without a smile, give 'em yours!”
“I couldn't be a ballerina now. I'm too top-heavy. I have a hard enough time balancin' these things now without gettin' on my toes!”
“Don't feel sorry for me. I started out poor, and I worked my way up to outcast.”
“It was the nicest little whorehouse you ever saw!”