“The Boondock Saints” quotes

Movie The Boondock Saints
Title The Boondock Saints
Year 1999
Director Troy Duffy
Genre Crime, Thriller, Action
Plot – Boston, St. Patrick's Day, morning Mass. While the priest gives benedictions, two Irish brothers, Connor and Murphy, move towards the altar to kiss the Redeemer’s feet. Shortly after, the two return to the factory and have an after-work evening in a pub. The next morning, FBI agent Smeker is called to the crime scene of two Russian mobsters, Vladdy and Chekhov. Meanwhile, Connor and Murphy are in the hospital treating gunshot wounds.
All actors – Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus, David Della Rocco, Billy Connolly, David Ferry, Brian Mahoney, Bob Marley, Richard Fitzpatrick, William Young, Robert Pemberton, Bill Craig
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  • “- Rocco: Fuckin'! What the fuckin'. Fuck. Who the fuck fucked this fucking... How did you two fucking fucks... Fuck!
    - Connor: Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.”

    David Della Rocco - Rocco
    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    [Tag:vulgarity, words]
  • “Shepherds we shall be For Thee my Lord, for Thee Power hath descended forth from Thy hand our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.”
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
    [Tag:god, prayer]
  • “- Doc: You know what they say: people in glass houses sink ships.
    - Rocco: Doc, I gotta buy you... like, a proverb book or something. This mix 'n' match shit's gotta go.
    - Doc: What?
    - Connor: A penny saved is worth two in the bush, isn't it?
    - Murphy: And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.”

    Gerard Parkes - Doc
    David Della Rocco - Rocco
    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
  • “- Murphy: There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain.
    - Connor: For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three. And on that day, you will reap it.
    - Murphy: And we will send you to whatever god you wish.”

    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
  • “They can suck my pathetic little dick, and I'll dip my nuts in marinara sauce just so the fat bastards can get a taste of home while they're at it!”

    David Della Rocco - Rocco
  • “When I raise my flashing sword, and my hand takes hold on judgment, I will take vengeance upon mine enemies, and I will repay those who hate me. Oh, Lord, raise me to Thy right hand and count me among Thy saints.”
    Billy Connolly - Il Duce
    [Tag:god, judgment, revenge]
  • “- Paul Smecker: Brilliant. So now we got a huge guy theory, and a serial crusher theory. Top notch. What's your name?
    - Detective Greenly: Detective Greenly. Who the fuck are you?
    - Paul Smecker: That's who the fuck I am.”

    Willem Dafoe - Paul Smecker
    Bob Marley - Detective Greenly
    [Tag:meeting, police]
  • “- Connor: Destroy all that which is evil.
    - Murphy: So that which is good may flourish.”

    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
  • “- Connor: The rule of thumb here is...
    - Rosengurtie: Wait, rule of thumb? In the early 1900s it was legal for men to beat their wives, as long as they used a stick no wider than their thumb.
    - Connor: Can't do much damage with that then, can we? Perhaps it should have been a rule of wrist?”

    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    Dot-Marie Jones - Rosengurtle Baumgartener
  • “Your father and I used him three times in twenty years, only when things got totally fucked. Whenever we needed one of our own bumped off, we called this guy in. He had a thing for clipping wiseguys, but only one rule: no women, no kids. Believe me, kid, you don't want this guy unless you are one hundred percent sure you need him. He's a fucking...” (continue)(continue reading)

    Carmen DiStefano - Augustus
  • “- Connor: D'you know what I think is psycho, Roc? It's decent men with loving families. They go home every day after work and they turn on the news. You know what they see? They see rapists, and murderers and child molesters. They're all getting out of prison.
    - Murphy: Mafiosos. Gettin' caught with twenty kilos. Gettin' out on bail the same...” (continue)
    (continue reading)

    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
  • “- Connor: We haven't really got a system of deciding who, Roc. It's, uh...
    - Rocco: Me! Me! I'm the guy! I know everyone! Their habits, who they hang out with, who they talk to! I've got phone numbers, addresses! I know who they're fucking! I know where they live! We could kill everyone.
    - Murphy: So what do you think?
    - Connor: I'm strangely...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    David Della Rocco - Rocco
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
  • “- Ivan Checkov: I am Ivan Checkov, and you will be closing now.
    - Murphy: Checkov? Well, this here's McCoy. We find a Spock, we got us an away team.”

    Scott Griffith - Ivan Checkov
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
    [Tag:character, movie, name]
  • “I put evil men behind bars, but the law has miles of red tape and loopholes for these cocksuckers to slip through.”

    Willem Dafoe - Paul Smecker
    [Tag:law, police, prison]
  • “Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.”
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
    [Tag:principles, rules]
  • “- Connor: What the fuck are you doing?
    - Rocco: ...I'll tip her.”

    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    David Della Rocco - Rocco
    [Tag:breast, money]
  • “Never shall innocent blood be shed, yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river.”
    Billy Connolly - Il Duce
    [Tag:blood, evil, innocence]
  • “- Connor: Do ya know what we need, man? Some rope.
    - Murphy: Absolutely. What are ya, insane?
    - Connor: No I ain't. Charlie Bronson's always got rope.
    - Murphy: What?
    - Connor: Yeah. He's got a lot of rope strapped around him in the movies, and they always end up using it.”

    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
  • “- Connor: How far are we gonna take this, Da?
    - Il Duce: The question is not how far. The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far is as needed?”

    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    Billy Connolly - Il Duce
    [Tag:faith, purpose]
  • “- Rocco: I killed your cat, you druggie bitch.
    - Donna: God.
    - Rayvie: What?
    - Donna: Why?
    - Rocco: I thought it would bring closure to our relationship.”

    David Della Rocco - Rocco
    Lauren Piech - Donna
    Gina Sorell - Rayvie
  • “We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.”
    William Young - Monsignor
  • “These two are not heroes. They're just two ordinary men who were put in an extraordinary situation and they just happened to come out on top. Yes, nothing from our far-reaching computer system has turned up diddly on these two. All we know is what we found out from the neighbors, and the general consensus is, they're angels. But angels don't...” (continue)(continue reading)

    Willem Dafoe - Paul Smecker
  • “Shut your fat ass, Rayvie! I can't buy a pack of smokes without runnin' into nine guys you fucked!”
    David Della Rocco - Rocco
  • “- Connor: Jeez! It's a fuckin' six-shooter. Fuck!
    - Murphy: There's nine bodies, genius.
    - Connor: What the fuck were you gonna do, laugh the last three to death, Funny-Man?”

    Sean Patrick Flanery - Connor MacManus
    Norman Reedus - Murphy MacManus
  • “All the lowlifes in quiet city Boston start dropping dead and you think it's unrelated! Greenly, the day I want the Boston Police to do my thinking for me, I will have a fucking tag on my toe!”
    Willem Dafoe - Paul Smecker
    [Tag:intuition, police]